Privacy and data protection policy



The present page Web has been designed for To give to meet the services offered by the entity DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL, PLAZA OF Spain, APDO. 10, of VALERA

OF BELOW, province of BASIN, with Code Postal 16120, Spain; Like this as for the reception of possible customers, contacts commercial and demands of employment.


The rights of property intellectual of the page , its code source, design, structures of Navigation and the different elements in She contents are ownership of DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL, to whom corresponds the exercise exclusive of the rights of exploitation of the same in any form and, in Special, the rights of reproduction, distribution, communication public and transformation, of agreement with the legislation Spanish and of the Union European applicable.

The Portal of DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL, the pages What includes and the information o elements contents in the same, include texts, documents, photographs, drawings, graphic representations, programs computer, as well as logos, brands, trade names, or other signs distinctive, protected by rights of property intellectual o industrial, of the What DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL are holders o legitimate licensees.


Is facilitates to through of This Web information about of services intended for to knowledge public What in all case is subject to the terms and conditions expressly detailed in each time and What are accessible from This page Web, the which is subject to the different provisions legal of application.


Both the access to This page Web, as the use What can become a of the information and contents included in the same, will be of the exclusive responsibility of whom It perform.

The conditions of access to This Web will be contingent to the legality existing and the principles of the good faith and use lawful by part of the user of the same, leaving forbidden with character General any type of performance in prejudice of DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL.

Is shall be deemed strictly forbidden the use of the present page Web with purposes illegal o no authorized.

Is prohibited any mode of exploitation, including all type of reproduction, distribution, assignment to third-party, communication public and transformation, by any type of support and medium, of the works before concerned, creations and signs distinctive without authorization prior and Express of their respective holders. The failure to comply with of This ban may constitute infringement punishable by the legislation existing.

Not However, by its account and risk, the user may Download o perform copy of such elements exclusively for its use staff, always What no infringes None of the rights of property intellectual o industrial of DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL, Neither the alter total o partially. In No case, This will mean a authorization o license about the rights of property of DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL.

Is forbidden, except in the cases What expressly It authorized by DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL, present the pages of DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL, o the information contained in them under frames or frames, signs distinctive, brands o denominations social o commercial of another person, company or entity.


DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL no is ago responsible for under No concept by No type of damage What could cause the Users to the present page Web, or a any another, by the use illegal o abuse of the same, o of the contents e information accessible o facilitated to through of She.


DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL is reservation the right of suspend the access to your page Web, without prior notice, of form discretionary and temporary, by reasons techniques o of any another nature, being able also modify unilaterally both the conditions of access, as the whole or part of the contents in She included.


For all question litigation o What incumbent to the Page Web of DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL, will be of application the legislation Spanish, being competent for the resolution of all the conflicts derivatives o related with the use of This page Web, the Courts and Courts of the Home of the user. The access to the page Web of DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL implies the acceptance of all the conditions previously expressed.


The hyperlinks contents in the site Web of DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL can direct to pages Web of third-party. DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL no assumes No responsibility for the content, information o services that could appear in sayings sites, What will have exclusively character informative and What in No case involve relationship any between DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL and a the people o entities owners of such content or holders of the sites where is find.


TO the effects of It planned in the Regulation European of Protection of Data EU 2016/679, of 27 of April, of the Parliament and the Council and rest of the with rules National existing, DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL, Le reports What meets entirely with the legislation existing in matter of protection of data of character staff, and with the commitments of confidentiality own of its activity.

DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL puts in its knowledge the existence of a System of treatment of the information, ownership of DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL, for the purposes own of management, communication e information. The cited System is located described in the corresponding Registration of Activities of Treatment of the RT, to the What can access the user for check the situation of their data.


DOORS And WINDOWS JOBAR SL has the measures taken necessary to ensure the Security of the information, such and as requires the art. 32 of the RGPD, According to the nature of the data personal treaties and the circumstances of the treatment, with the object of avoid, in the measure of It possible and always According to the State of the technique, its alteration, loss, treatment o access no authorized, ensuring with This the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the same.


The measures of security than the DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL has described in the Registration of Activities of Treatment will be applied to the set of Active of the System of treatment of the information in the What is try the data of character staff, with the object of To give compliance to the legislation existing in matter of protection of data.

All the staff hired by DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL and their Managers of Treatment, are forced to the compliance of the cited with rules, with Special attention in It relative to their functions and obligations, included the duty of secret What will be properly certain by DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL.


The acceptance of the present conditions, accurate of the user the collection of a few data essential for the provision of their services, What Le will be requested personally to through of Forms o of the page Web. In the time of the collection of the data, the user will be properly informed the rights as you attend.

For What the information What contains our System of treatment is always updated and no contains errors, ask to our customers and users What us communicate, to the wholesale as soon as possible possible, the modifications and rectifications of their data of character staff.


For exercise the Rights of access, challenge, rectification, cancellation, Suppression u opposition, portability, limitation of the treatment and a present claim Suede the AEPD, should contact to DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL, PLAZA OF Spain, APDO. 10,

of VALERA OF BELOW, province of BASIN, with Code Postal 16120, Spain. Not However may used other Media What allow recognize the identity of the customer What exercise any of the previous rights.


The user will provide its consent for What DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL can make use of your personal data to purpose of providing a correct performance of the services contracted.

The filling of the form included in the site o the shipping of post electronic u other communications to DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL, implies the consent Express of the user to the inclusion of their data of character staff in the referred System treatment, ownership of DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL.

To the time of the request of This information, is then get in touch to the customer o user of the recipient of the information, of the purpose for the Which one is collect the data, of the identity and address of DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL and of the Faculty of the user of exercise the rights of access, challenge, rectification, cancellation, Suppression u opposition, portability, limitation treatment and to present claim Suede the AEPD.


DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL no yields data of character staff without the consent Express of their holders, What should be granted in each occasion, being only transferred with the purpose expressed and always with the consent of the user o customer.


The data collected in all the communications private between DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL and the customers o users will be treaties with absolute confidentiality, committing DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL to the obligation of secret of the data of character staff, to its duty of save them and adopt all the measures necessary What avoid its alteration, loss and treatment o access no authorized, of agreement with It established in the with rules existing.

In addition, will also have the status of confidential information of any kind to the parts Exchange between Yes, that What These agree What has such nature, o the What simply see about the content of such information. The display of data to through of Internet, no authorizes the use of the same of form indiscriminate, except consent Express of its holder for each occasion.

We recommend to the customer What no facilitate to third party some its identification, password o numbers of reference What DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL could provide you with. Also, for ensure What the protection of the secret Professional between DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL and the customer is preserve in all the communications, the client/user no should reveal the information confidential to third-party.


DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL is reservation the right of modify its policy of Security and protection of data with the object of adapt it to the News Legislative o case law, Like this as the What could arise of codes type existing in the matter, o by decisions corporate strategic, with effects of the date of publication

of such modification in the page Web of DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL.


Sitemap Web , It is managed by DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL, registered in the Registration Commercial with CIF B16297418.

The System of treatment of the information created, is located in the Home social, the Which one is established to the effects of the present Notice Legal, in DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL, PLAZA OF Spain, APDO. 10, of VALERA OF BELOW, province of

BASIN, with Code Postal 16120, Spain; under the supervision and control of DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL, whom assumes the responsibility in the adoption of measures of Security of nature technique and organizational for protect the confidentiality e integrity of the information, of agreement with It established in the Regulation European of Protection of Data EU 2016/679 of 27 of April of the Parliament and the Council and rest of the with rules National existing, and other legislation applicable.

DOORS And WINDOWS KHOBAR SL to tenor of the Law 34/2002, of Services of Society of the Information and of the Trade Electronic, Les communicates What the meaning wide of such Law, includes between These services the supply of information by said medium. In all case, will be of application to This respect, the Regulation European of Protection of Data EU 2016/679 of 27 of April of the Parliament and the Council and rest of the with rules National existing, and its with rules of development, in Special, in It What is concerns to the obtaining of data personal, the information to the interested and the creation and maintenance file of data personal.